Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

The protection of your personal data is of particular concern to me. I therefore process your data exclusively on the basis of the legal provisions (disclaimer basic regulation, Telecommunications Act). In this disclaimer information I inform you about the most important aspects of data processing within my website.

Establishing Contacts
If you contact me by form on my website or by e-mail, the data you provide will be stored by me for six months for the purpose of processing the request and in case of follow-up questions. I do not pass on this data.

This website does not use tracking cookies.

Web Analytics
This website does not use web analytics tools.

Browser Plugins
This website does not use browser plugins.

Google Maps
This website has a map of the provider Google. The processed data may include location data and IP address of the user, which are not collected without the user's consent.
Supplier: Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Irland

You are generally entitled to the rights of information, correction, deletion, restriction, data portability, revocation and objection. If you believe that the processing of your data violates disclaimer law or that your rights under disclaimer law have been violated in any other way, you can complain to the supervisory authority. In Germany, this is the disclaimer authority.

You can reach me at the following contact data:

Jens Külker
Cornelius-Fredericks-Str. 7
13351 Berlin

Tel.:(49) 030 - 45024106

Responsible for content according to § 6 MDStV:
Jens Külker

Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)46891207159